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名賀成立於1998年,維持高品質不惜重金投資,不吝挑戰高難度之石種,以認真、嚴謹的態度來面對此變化多端之市場,因而有業界香奈兒之美名。 提供消費者完善的大理石電視牆、大理石裝修、大理石設計、天然大理石全室設計規劃服務。
石材分成花崗石與大理石,花崗石質地較硬,材質較扎實、吸水率低。適合放置於檯面(吧檯、洗手台、流理台),外牆,內裝地坪,高流動率地方更是需要,如機場、飯店大廳等。不易產生刮傷或因為吸水率太高而產生的水漬或是髒污。  (這也是為什麼ktvpub的檯面或大樓外牆一定是選用花崗石而非大理石的原因)
花崗石像石油、天然氣一樣,是上帝給予人類非常珍貴的天然資源。任何一顆花崗石都是世界上獨一無二的。只要今天使用了一顆石材,地球上就少了一顆。而這種東西更不是取之不盡,所以相對格外珍貴 !
About GMC Stone
GMC Stone Design Studio was established in Hualien, Taiwan. We have become well known for the quality of stone and quality of service that we deliver to our clients. The unique relationship with our factory as well as many others gives us the ability to keep quality as our highest priority, and allows us to give that quality to our customers at a price that is competitive in today’s natural stone market.
Our product line focuses on the granite, marble, and travertine slab industry. We have a courteous and knowledgeable staff that would love to assist you in any way we can to help make your project a success.
Please feel free to call or e-mail us with any questions you may have, and remember, when you are working with GMC Stone, the only thing that can limit your project, is your own imagination.
Main production: Granite slabs for construction and indoor / outdoor
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